Have you seen me?

130 lbs.
Tattoos on right wrist - Dove with it�s wings spread, holding a banner saying "Pray Without Ceasing"; lower back, tribal/horizon.

Marie Jane Carlson was last seen October 18th and allegedly sent a text message to several people October 19th, indicating she was leaving Fort Walton Beach to do something she always wanted to do. She didn�t give anybody any hints as to where she was going. Her vehicle was found at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport on October 21st. The investigation determined that Carlson did not leave Fort Walton Beach by flying or renting a vehicle. It was also determined that she did not leave the United States. Family and friends have not seen or heard heard from Carslon since and are concerned. They have been unable to get in touch with Carlson and say it is unlike her to stay away this period of time without making contact. Marie is a mother of two daughters. Marie was reportedly last seen by James Ty Flanders, the father of her then newborn child, at the home on Revere Avenue that they shared with Flanders�s wife. Flanders told investigators Marie was there when he left the residence between 6:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. on October 17th. She was later reported missing/endangered to the Okaloosa County Sheriff�s Office on October 24, 2011 by her ex-husband, Jeff Carlson. Carlson, who resides in Kentucky with his and Marie�s 8 year old daughter, became concerned after being unable to make contact with Marie. In 2015 Flanders, former pastor of Calvary Chapel Emerald Coast was arrested for the second degree murder of Marie Carlson.

Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office
(850) 609-2000

Fort Walton Beach

(map location is approximate based on lat/long of case city)


P: (231) 250-5222
Email: TrackMissing

P.O. Box 366
White Cloud, MI 49349

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