About graphic


TrackMissing is dedicated to assisting families and Law Enforcement agencies locate missing persons of all ages as well as prevent domestic violence by providing education, resources and support.. Our web site provides information on missing persons as well as what to do in the event a person becomes missing. As the program grows we will expand our services as appropriate to our cause to increase our effectiveness and further help those in need of our services.


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Geographical Area

Initially our focus began in Michigan and Wisconsin, expanding our area to Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and the other states as our program grows and volunteers and resources permit. It is our ultimate goal to be able to provide assistance to all of the United States. Our site will accept and post information on any missing person from the US. We will accomplish this by working with Law Enforcement and other credible missing persons associations throughout the Nation.


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How you can help

While most of our professionals volunteer their time, expertise, and skills, we still need to keep the lights on in the office, keep the servers running for the website, pay the phone bills, cover postage and courier services, well you get the idea...

If you feel generous and would like to make a contribution to help our operations, you can do so by clicking on the Donate button located in the column. You may use a Credit/Debit Card or an Electronic Check at your option. You will be redirected to PayPal's secure site for processing.

We have both a low start-up budget and a low overhead. We actively pursue donations and have fund-raisers throughout the year to increase the means needed to expand our services and geographical area. We need donated services. Individuals who care. With the generous help of our corporate, business, and personal connections we believe this is an achievable goal we can meet.

There will never be any charge for any services rendered by our programs and we operate on donations.

In the event of an EMERGENCY and a tracking dog is needed please contact TrackMissing at (231) 250-5222. We will do everything we can to secure a K9 team (dog and handler) as quickly as possible.

Have You Seen Me?

Michelle Lyn Henri

Michelle Lyn Henri
Date Missing: 01/24/2004
Waynesville, MO


P: (231) 250-5222
Email: TrackMissing

P.O. Box 366
White Cloud, MI 49349

If you'd like to help...

(redirect to PayPal.com's secure servers)